This year I finally did something I've been meaning to do for years. At the beginning of the month Will and I wrapped up all of our Christmas books and set them under the tree in the boys room. Each night we open one book and read it together by the light of the tree. Last night we read "The Mole Family Christmas" a favorite from my childhood and another chapter of "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever" which we opened a few days ago. Now instead of dreading the chaos of the boys bedtime I look forward to the quiet magic of sitting by a lit tree in a dark room.
I love this! Great idea!
I love The Best Christmas Pageant Ever. Also A Christmas Carol, the only Charles Dickens novel I like. The Birds' Christmas Carol by Kate Douglas Wiggins is completely oversentimental, but I love it and it always makes me cry. I also love all those "Christmas for 35 cents" stories like Pearl S. Buck's story about the boy who does his father's chores or this month's Ensign story about the boy who got a piece of string for Christmas (on page 51).
Oh Ruth! I love this! And I am so grateful to realize I'm not the only parent who loves to read but, for some reason, struggles when it comes to reading bedtime stories to my little guy.
No doubt your challenge with two little boys is a bit different from mine with having only one toddler. But I felt comfort and relief all the same
(Also, someday when Tucker is a little older, I have absolutely every intention of stealing this fabulous tradition!)
genius! pure genius.
This is such a wonderful idea! Hurray for anything that makes you look forward to the bedtime routine.
brrrrrrrrilliant! I'm going to wrap all our books this January as we pack them away and then one less thing to do next dec., eh!?!?
hi ruth, saw this post just before I went to the library where I happened upon Mole's Christmas. What a great idea! I would love to have a list of your Christmas reading material.
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