Tuesday, February 22, 2011

We love # 19: Ben

To destroy the shed and help with other projects, my nephew Ben came for the weekend. It was great to have him. He was an amazing help and John and Will followed him like groupies. The boys were particularly bad about climbing all over him and I kept trying to stop them. Bill said, "He deserves it, remember that's exactly how he climbed on me when he was little." We realized Bill was about Ben's age when he first met Ben.

Ben did dishes, played countless games with John, listened patiently while Lizzy read out loud some of her favorite posts from Adam Young's blog, attended a lecture Bill gave on palliative care and through most of this let Will climb all over him. All of this time with Ben was extra precious because in less than a month he will leave for an LDS Mission in Milan, Italy. We sure are going to miss him.


Anonymous said...

Ben loved visiting you and he really enjoyed the hero worship from Will and John.

We can't wait for the entire Mitchell clan to visit!

Brandan and Becky said...

I remember being able to hear Ben running upstairs and liking the sound of little feet on wood floors. Also, his cute silver tooth.