Bill usually works late Friday so the boys have seen a lot of chick flicks which we sell to them with lines like: "There's fast cars in this movie." Or "There's a helicopter in this one." Will basically likes any movie with popcorn.
This is currently an instant play on Netflix. Can I also add that we love netflix. Young Victoria is decidedly girlie. I didn't even try to make John watch it. But my second recommendation, How to Steal a Million is good for the whole family. It is an absolutely charming caper movie with Audrey Hepburn. The trailer doesn't do the movie justice (movie trailers have come along way in the past 50 years). But here's a picture.

A weekly family movie night is such a great idea (and treats are a must!) I love your trickery for the boys!
I fall asleep in almost every movie-- it's my super power-- so we almost never watch chick flicks. We've watched all the Star Wars movies this winter, which our kids have loved. Don't recommend the 3rd one with little kids. It deserves its PG13 rating-- not a proud parenting moment. We just started watching the original Superman movies and they are very fun, not dark like modern super hero movies.
I love Audrey Hepburn-- I might even stay awake to watch her!
Thanks for the recommendations--i would love to see a list of your family's favorites, since you have such a wide age range. We do occasional family movie nights, but with so few movies that we're willing to let the kids watch at this point, we end up watching the same few, and they aren't always favorites for the adults (although I love the Curious George Christmas movie :)
Love the recommendations - can't wait to watch. We are also big instant watch fans. We've mostly been catching up on the series 24 - pretty addictive. Obviously not for the whole family. And not chick-flicky in the least. We should start doing a movie night with the kids involved. They would love it!
Oh, as for movie reccomendations, we've seen a couple in the theaters lately - liked the new Harry Potter (although a certain scene made me a little ticked off), and we also saw Voyage of the Dawn Treader. I didn't like this one as much as the other Narnia - I think they did too much editing or something. Just when you thought it would get exciting it was over. We also saw it in 3-D (on accident) and I think that added to my distaste for the movie.
I love both those movies. Good choices. And that popcorn looks delicious!
I miss coming up with an excuse to get the ward LCD projector for Friday night movies- good times!
You know one of my favorite movies is North Avenue Irregulars. My kids ask for that one on a regular basis.
I love Searching for Bobby Fischer. Bar none, probably one of my favorite movies of all time.
You won't regret seeing it.
Thanks for all your suggestions. And Becky thanks for the warning about Star Wars III. We have just started the Star Wars series and that's the only one I haven't seen. Kim, I like your idea of a list of favorite movies and I think I will devote a whole blog to that. I do think I have it a bit easier since Bill's not home on Fridays and I can tolerate some pretty silly movies. One of the movies we conned the boys into was the Princess Protection Agency. I can't recommend this film to anyone--it is not great cinema, but it is perfectly clean and non-scary. A few other recommendations until I make a more complete list: The North Avenue Irregulars, Hello Dolly (I'm surprised by how much the kids seem to enjoy those old musicals. I also consider them an important education in American culture.), The Princess Bride (OK this is a bit scary for my 13-year-old but if she closes her eyes for the ROUS's she can make it through the film.) and Penelope (A bit girlie but even Bill enjoyed it.) Oh yeah and we recently watched Back to the Future and everyone loved it. There was a bit more swearing than I remember but I still think it's a good family film.
How do you get Will to watch all these shows? My kids will barely sit through a Disney cartoon. Keva may just still be too young for movie night..we have tried, but it is rarely as relaxing as hoped for!
I saw this in a magazine today and thought of you. I haven't looked around the site much.
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