I've been promising for weeks that if all the Mitchell kids remember to make their bed on the same day--without being asked--we'd go out for frozen yogurt. As you can tell from John's cup, he knows how to celebrate. That's blueberry yogurt with chocolate covered raisins, jelly beans and sour patch kids. I almost got a shot of Lizzy with her new braces. And then she noticed me.

She got them on Wednesday and it has been a painful adjustment. The boys have been anything but sensitive, coming up in her face all the time asking, "Can I see your braces, show me your braces, open your mouth." or "Do you still have braces? Let me see." Anyhow she was really excited to have frozen yogurt because it would be soft enough to eat. And then without thinking she sprinkled Heath Bar chunks on hers--ah the irony. It was a sacrifice but I helped eradicate the Heath bar pieces.
Small celebrations are my favorite.
All my sympathy to Lizzie. Sophie has a Herbz appliance in her mouth right now. She has so much metal in her mouth that I don't know how she manages to eat. We take her to the dentist every 3 months to get everything cleaned. No fun now, but it should save her a lot of dental trouble as she gets older.
fun idea to take the kids out for frozen yogurt. Poor Lizzy - oh the joy of little brothers.
I can't see the yogurt!
I miss you and love you,
Grandpa Ken
OH! Both of those photos are precious!!!
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