Now for a little political analysis of the competition. She has two other competitors. First, Annie from her girl scout troop. This will divide two important voting sectors: her girl scout troop and the girl vote. Her other opponent is Malachi. A boy in her primary class and a good family friend. Now the Mormon vote is split too. Not that it was a very big vote to begin with --there are only three Mormons in 5th grade. And three more in 3rd and 4th. But she was hoping to have other kids from church in lower grades campaign for her. As elementary politics go, its considered a given that Malachi has the boy vote. Yesterday he was walking down the halls at church with his shoes tied together. You would think that it would be easy to beat a boy like that, but I'm afraid--considering his constituency--that's just the thing that will push him ahead in the polls.
Today she will come home with the campaign rules and then we will develop a campaign strategy and then we will begin the frenzied cycle of fundraiser dinners and campus rallies. At least Zoey really does enjoy kissing babies.
This is awesome. Win or lose, it will be a good experience.
It may be the red jacket...but I'd totally vote for her. Good luck Zoey!!
I would vote for Zoe! Too bad BYU students don't get to vote...
She's got my vote! Wish I could campaign for her.
send me a button! I'll campaign from Dallas for you. I'll see if I can get TEXPAC and the NRA and all those surgeons I know to vote for you.
what a cutie! shoes tied together - you'd think... ;)
Count my vote, too. I have to believe some of the boys will vote for Zoe. I know Abe would if he went to the same school. Our cutest babysitters are his favorites.
Dear Zoey,
What do the campaign rules state about "cinnamon rolls for votes"? Seriously, you are a wise leader and have lots of friends so do your best and enjoy this experience.
I love you.
Grandpa Ken
She has my vote for sure! She is such a beautiful girl--in every way!
WOW! I wouldn't want to go up against a Sanders in any kind of a competition!!! GO ZOE!!!
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